The knowledge is required to be completed

When my spirit finishes the knowledge blessings of the notes the basis for the noahide works is finished and put aside

The notes are the info which is processed for the blessings

The blessings are the same whether they are written, typed of videoed

The knowledge is better for written notes – it has more knowledge blessings – video and typed works only function to a quarter the knowledge blessing for the notes as compared to the written notes

All notes knowledge blessing is processed by my spirit

Totambimberiel's Rock Collection 2

'Rock has a Roll,' said Gwynnavere.

'And Roll has a Rock,' replied Totambimberiel.

'It's not Rock unless it rolls,' said Gwynnavere.

'Don't go there, Tot,' replied Azrael. 'You spent all your money on Roll having a rock.'

'Major investment there,' said Damien. 'You'll spend millennia arguing that.'

'He'll never win it either,' said Gwynnavere.

'Depends,' said Azrael.

'How so?' asked Damien.

'If he goes back to the heart of rock and roll. Drags out the original roll of it all. I mean, it all became Rock later on, but there was always a roll.'

'But surely roll was an addition to rock. Not it's own thing. I mean, come on. There they are. Airbourne. Pumping fists. Bangin' heads. And screaming out with the first track of the night, as the crowd are going wild. Are you ready to roll, bellows the lead singer. And guess what?' said Damien.

'What?' asked Gwynnavere.

'Crowd,' said Damien. 'Goes silent. Fans look at each other. Are we ready to roll? They ask. Are we ready to roll? Seriously? Has he been on the Jesus juice again?' they ask. 'Are we ready to roll?'

'The early stuff,' said Totambimberiel.

Azrael sipped on his ginger ale, and started polishing glasses. 'The early stuff?'

'Further back,' said Totambimberiel. 'It was all Roll. They didn't have rock yet.'

'He argues they were jivin and dancing and jigging and rolling in the aisles. Even Mozart had them rolling in the aisles, apparently. But they didn't rock yet supposedly,' stated Gwynnavere.

'Interesting idea,' said Azrael. 'I'll think that over Tot.'

'And then Rock emerged out of Roll. So Roll has a rock,' said Totambimberiel.